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Press releases:

We don't have anything to announce for the moment—except, of course, that this Web site has just gone up, and we are excited to be online. Please check in with us in the near future for updates, or to see what's happening on our Twitter feed (in the box on your right).

In the news:

10.5.2011 - While we were building this Web site, we found a video of a prototype that we had made some time ago. We debated whether to post it. On one hand, we've made a number of improvements to the machine (and also to our pizza) since the video was produced. Moreover, the production value of the video—let's just say, we didn't hire Burson-Marsteller or Ogelvy & Mather to create it. On the other hand, the video efficiently demonstrates the general principle of our design, and we wanted to communicate that to people who might want to know something about it. So, there it is, on YouTube. We put it there so that we could embed it into our own Web site, but it turned out to take on a life of its own. We were pleased to see Slice pick it up in late September, and then watch it surface on Eater, and then on Toronto Life, the AFP, the Los Angeles Times, and eventually on the Daily Mail and on Gawker. We appreciate the interest.